Today I bought some Manga! ♡ 今日はマンガを買いました。
A couple of series I enjoy.
Lately I have had a lot of free time and haven't been using my DS in a while. I originally bought my 3DS on my first trip to Japan so that I could practice reading and understanding different Kanji. I became bored of playing the same DS games so I decided to go to the store to buy some Manga for a new source of reading practice. I searched around and found some series, which I had already seen the anime to, and checked whether or not the author had included furigana.
これはゾンビですか? (Is this a Zombie?) did not have furigana.
The bookstore is about a 5 minute walk from where I live, so I went down to have a look. I could have been in the store for hours, but these are the series that made it home. I bought them from a store called Book Off, which can be found anywhere in Japan. Most of these books were 100円 without tax. They are second-hand but appear brand new! Brand new Manga can range on average around 400円-800円. I remember shopping for Manga in Australia and the price of one book would be around $10 or more!
にゃんこい! with furigana.
The illustrations can also help you to remember certain words or phrases. So if you are learning Japanese, try reading some Manga with furigana. It's relaxing and fun! You'd be surprised at the kinds of vocabulary I have learnt from playing games or reading books in Japanese.
私はいつも携帯を分からない漢字や文法を調べるのに使っています。また、マンガの絵は外国人が理解するのにも役立ちます。なので、もしあなたが日本語を勉強しているなら、ふりがな付きのマンガを読んでみることをおすすめします!気軽で楽しいですよ☆彡 私はいろいろな日本語をゲームや本から学びました。
私はいつも携帯を分からない漢字や文法を調べるのに使っています。また、マンガの絵は外国人が理解するのにも役立ちます。なので、もしあなたが日本語を勉強しているなら、ふりがな付きのマンガを読んでみることをおすすめします!気軽で楽しいですよ☆彡 私はいろいろな日本語をゲームや本から学びました。
I normally read manga that fall under the categories of 'Splice of Life' or 'Supernatural' and of course, anything that has a cat on the front page. If you have any Manga to recommend for me, I'd really appreciate it!♡
私は普段少女マンガ、SFマンガのようなもの読みます。 もちろん、表紙に猫が描いてあるマンガも読みますよ!笑 もし、おすすめのマンガがあったら教えてください♪
Well, that's me for now, see you next time!ヾ(´・ω・`)
(When I actually have something interesting to blog about).
それじゃあ、今日はこのぐらいで終わります。 (*^-^*)ノ~~マタネー